Newbie Question: How do I make NetBeans update the code to linked files?
2014-10-21 23:12:54 UTC
Good day,

I have a project running in the IDE. There are a few HTML pages and one CSS page (styles.css) in the public_html directory. I want to move styles.css to a different directory and have the <link rel="stylesheet" href="lounge.css"> path update in all of the HTML files that link to this stylesheet.

I know that it's not hugely important to have the IDE automatically update the <link> in just a few HTML pages in this case, but I'm looking forward to a time when I will need to do this. I know that Dreamweaver will do this for you, but I'm not sure how NetBeans goes about it.

Thank you for any help. :)

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I need tips on web design. How much would it cost? Could i do it myself?
started 2009-04-15 23:23:45 UTC
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