Grails project missing dependencies
Greenberg, Gary (SCL)
2014-10-07 01:08:36 UTC
I am pretty new with grails, so if I am asking silly questions, please forgive me.

I have created new Grails project in NB 7.4.
Haven't written any code of my own yet, but ran a build on it.
It did some downloading, installing plugins, etc.
Finally it said :
|Done creating WAR target\MyProject-0.1.war
On the project tab my project, however is marked with red circle, denoting an error.
I have expended a project and found some missing dependencies as well as errors in generated work.resources.uglifyjs.* javascript files
Missing dependencies relate to the org.grails.plugin.tomcat

What should I do about those errors?
Ken Tanaka - NOAA Affiliate
2014-10-07 17:08:01 UTC
If you are new to Grails, this may be useful if you haven't seen it before:


On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Greenberg, Gary (SCL) <
Post by Greenberg, Gary (SCL)
I am pretty new with grails, so if I am asking silly questions, please forgive me.
I have created new Grails project in NB 7.4.
Haven't written any code of my own yet, but ran a build on it.
It did some downloading, installing plugins, etc.
|Done creating WAR target\MyProject-0.1.war
On the project tab my project, however is marked with red circle, denoting an error.
I have expended a project and found some missing dependencies as well as
errors in generated work.resources.uglifyjs.* javascript files
Missing dependencies relate to the org.grails.plugin.tomcat
What should I do about those errors?
Greenberg, Gary (SCL)
2014-10-15 17:58:44 UTC
I have seen that, but it does not explain my questions.
More questions have arisen:

1. I created a groovy class, where I have the among others following import statements:
import groovyx.net.http.RESTClient
import grails.plugins.rest.client.RestBuilder
I do have proper plugins in my buildConfig.groovy and when I run the application from the command statement (grails run-app) it compiles and runs without errors.
In Netbeans, however those import statements are marked with red dots as unresolved.

2. If I tries to build the application it is trying to build a war file, although it is supposed to be a JAR, and fails.
I can't find anywhere project property that will allow me to change this behavior.

From: Ken Tanaka - NOAA Affiliate [mailto:***@noaa.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 10:08 AM
To: ***@netbeans.org
Subject: [nbusers] Re: Grails project missing dependencies

If you are new to Grails, this may be useful if you haven't seen it before:


On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Greenberg, Gary (SCL) <***@dexmedia.com<mailto:***@dexmedia.com>> wrote:
I am pretty new with grails, so if I am asking silly questions, please forgive me.

I have created new Grails project in NB 7.4.
Haven't written any code of my own yet, but ran a build on it.
It did some downloading, installing plugins, etc.
Finally it said :
|Done creating WAR target\MyProject-0.1.war
On the project tab my project, however is marked with red circle, denoting an error.
I have expended a project and found some missing dependencies as well as errors in generated work.resources.uglifyjs.* javascript files
Missing dependencies relate to the org.grails.plugin.tomcat

What should I do about those errors?
geertjan wielenga
2014-10-15 18:05:17 UTC
I'd start by not using NetBeans IDE 7.4. Use NetBeans IDE 8.0.1 instead.

Then install the Gradle plugin there.

Post by Greenberg, Gary (SCL)
I have seen that, but it does not explain my questions.
1.I created a groovy class, where I have the among others following
import groovyx.net.http.RESTClient
import grails.plugins.rest.client.RestBuilder
I do have proper plugins in my buildConfig.groovy and when I run the
application from the command statement (grails run-app) it compiles
and runs without errors.
In Netbeans, however those import statements are marked with red dots as unresolved.
2. If I tries to build the application it is trying to build a war
file, although it is supposed to be a JAR, and fails.
I can’t find anywhere project property that will allow me to change
this behavior.
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 07, 2014 10:08 AM
*Subject:* [nbusers] Re: Grails project missing dependencies
On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Greenberg, Gary (SCL)
I am pretty new with grails, so if I am asking silly questions, please forgive me.
I have created new Grails project in NB 7.4.
Haven’t written any code of my own yet, but ran a build on it.
It did some downloading, installing plugins, etc.
|Done creating WAR target\MyProject-0.1.war
On the project tab my project, however is marked with red circle, denoting an error.
I have expended a project and found some missing dependencies as well
as errors in generated work.resources.uglifyjs.* javascript files
Missing dependencies relate to the org.grails.plugin.tomcat
What should I do about those errors?
Greenberg, Gary (SCL)
2014-10-16 01:32:04 UTC
Well, I tried NB 8.0.1 with Gradle plugin.
Same results.

From: geertjan wielenga [mailto:***@oracle.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 11:05 AM
To: ***@netbeans.org
Subject: [nbusers] Re: Grails project missing dependencies

I'd start by not using NetBeans IDE 7.4. Use NetBeans IDE 8.0.1 instead.

Then install the Gradle plugin there.

On 15-10-2014 19:58, Greenberg, Gary (SCL) wrote:
I have seen that, but it does not explain my questions.
More questions have arisen:

1. I created a groovy class, where I have the among others following import statements:
import groovyx.net.http.RESTClient
import grails.plugins.rest.client.RestBuilder
I do have proper plugins in my buildConfig.groovy and when I run the application from the command statement (grails run-app) it compiles and runs without errors.
In Netbeans, however those import statements are marked with red dots as unresolved.

2. If I tries to build the application it is trying to build a war file, although it is supposed to be a JAR, and fails.
I can't find anywhere project property that will allow me to change this behavior.

From: Ken Tanaka - NOAA Affiliate [mailto:***@noaa.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 10:08 AM
To: ***@netbeans.org<mailto:***@netbeans.org>
Subject: [nbusers] Re: Grails project missing dependencies

If you are new to Grails, this may be useful if you haven't seen it before:


On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Greenberg, Gary (SCL) <***@dexmedia.com<mailto:***@dexmedia.com>> wrote:
I am pretty new with grails, so if I am asking silly questions, please forgive me.

I have created new Grails project in NB 7.4.
Haven't written any code of my own yet, but ran a build on it.
It did some downloading, installing plugins, etc.
Finally it said :
|Done creating WAR target\MyProject-0.1.war
On the project tab my project, however is marked with red circle, denoting an error.
I have expended a project and found some missing dependencies as well as errors in generated work.resources.uglifyjs.* javascript files
Missing dependencies relate to the org.grails.plugin.tomcat

What should I do about those errors?
