Java Internationalisation
2014-10-13 09:12:12 UTC
Hi Friends,

I want create project which consists of Multiple Indian Language.
How I can do using netbean java.
Simon Roberts
2014-10-14 00:26:26 UTC
Java uses Unicode internally. Just type your characters into your Strings,
and provided your host operating system knows what to do with them, and the
host OS when the program is running, it works. Note the screenshot. Regular
Ubuntu Linux, regular NetBeans 8.0.1. I don't speak any Indian languages,
just a little Chinese, but the idea is broadly the same...

[image: Inline image 1]
Post by raju184360
Hi Friends,
I want create project which consists of Multiple Indian Language.
How I can do using netbean java.
Simon Roberts
Certified Professional Photographer
(303) 249 3613
2014-10-14 12:07:20 UTC
See Tools->Internazianalization
Post by Simon Roberts
Java uses Unicode internally. Just type your characters into your Strings,
and provided your host operating system knows what to do with them, and the
host OS when the program is running, it works. Note the screenshot. Regular
Ubuntu Linux, regular NetBeans 8.0.1. I don't speak any Indian languages,
just a little Chinese, but the idea is broadly the same...
[image: Inline image 1]
Post by raju184360
Hi Friends,
I want create project which consists of Multiple Indian Language.
How I can do using netbean java.
Simon Roberts
Certified Professional Photographer
(303) 249 3613
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